Saturday, January 15, 2011


So I finally got my schedule today! Besides the fact that I've got a 9AM everyday, I really like it. I got into all of the classes I wanted and have a few with some of my friends. So, here it is: 
9-10:30 Monday and Wednesday: Cross Cultural Psychology [the teacher for this class is a really fun/funny Australian lady! She spoke at our orientation and it sounds like the class is going to be great. I'm really looking forward to it]
10:45-12:15 Monday and Wednesday: The History and Culture of Food [need I say more??]
12:30-1:30 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: Italian 101 [this will probably be my most difficult class but I'm dying to learn some basics of the language. I've been very impressed with the amount of English most of the Italians know but it would be nice to be able to communicate even at the most basic level]
9-10:30 Tuesday and Thursday: The Art of Florence [this is a site-based class where every other class is spent AT the site that we studied the class before. Should be incredible!]

The only drawback to the location of my apartment is that it's a good 25-30 minutes away from school, womp womp. Oh well - it's a breathtaking walk and therefore makes it infinitely less painful. So far the weather has been perfect. In the 50-60s and hasn't rained a day [knock on wood]! Today, Devon and I signed up for an excursion to Chianti and then a day trip to Sienna. I'm really looking forward to both of those trips and I'll make sure to update yall with some pictures and stories! We've also got a trip to Rome in the works for the first weekend in February and then my parents come the second weekend in February! 

Well, I've got to head out soon but I'll post again once classes start! Ciao!

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